Applications open for 15th Xiamen Cultural Industries Fair: IC

2024-08-28 02:50
BY Rui Pastorin

The Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC) will set up the “Macao Creative Pavilion” during the 15th Cross-Strait (Xiamen) Cultural Industries Fairs (CCCIF) in Xiamen, with applications now open for local companies and associations from the cultural and creative industries, according to a statement by the bureau earlier this week.

The application period set off on Monday.

The fair is slated to take place from October 31 to November 3, the application website notes, which also says that exhibitors may take part in the event free of charge. The IC statement added that applications can be submitted through September 5.

The fair, the statement said, is “an important platform for cross-strait cultural exchanges and industry cooperation”. The bureau is encouraging local industries to use the pavilion at the fair to promote Macau’s cultural and creative brands, products and services in the mainland and increase their popularity and recognition.

Those eligible can apply for both the exhibition and the parallel product promotion session, the statement added.

Participants are to be chosen based on factors such as experience in the cultural and creative industries and the originality and uniqueness of their products.

The application form, regulations and more details can be found on , which is where submissions can also be made, according to the statement.

The statement added that the forms can also be submitted to

For enquiries, call 2875 2929. 


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