Taiwanese tour guide nabbed for stealing ‘booze’ after losing money

2024-09-24 03:13
BY Ginnie Liang

A Taiwanese woman was arrested last Wednesday for stealing a bottle of an alcoholic beverage valued at 3,280 patacas after “feeling down” about recent gambling losses, a Public Security Police (PSP) spokesperson said in a regular press conference yesterday.

The suspect surnamed Hsu is in her fifties and holds an ID document from China’s Taiwan region, where she reportedly works as a tour guide.

According to the spokesperson, the owner of a shop on Estrada do Istmo reported to the police last Wednesday that a bottle of an alcoholic beverage had gone missing, leading him to suspect that it had been stolen.

The spokesperson did not specify what kind of alcoholic beverage the bottle contained.

Upon reviewing the store’s surveillance footage, PSP officers discovered that Hsu entered the shop last Tuesday carrying a shopping bag and subsequently stealing the bottle.

Later on Wednesday, PSP officers located Hsu in a hotel guestroom close to the shop, where they discovered the still unopened bottle in her refrigerator.

An investigation showed that Hsu arrived in Macau last Wednesday for leisure but she became upset after losing money while gambling in local casinos, which may have prompted her to commit the theft, the spokesperson said.

Hsu has been transferred to the Public Prosecutions Office (MP), facing a charge of theft, according to the spokesperson. 

This undated photo provided by the Public Security Police (PSP) yesterday shows PSP officers escorting the female Taiwanese theft suspect to a police station.


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