Exhibition shows how gold inspires art

2017-05-19 07:55
BY admin

An exhibition featuring over 250 gold creations sheds light on how the precious metal fascinates artists and inspires creation in religion, furniture, fashion and accessories, as well as many everyday life objects.

Presented by MGM Macau in collaboration with Le French May art festival, “A Golden Way of Life – Très’Ors” aims to “fascinate the public of how gold inspires art”, curator Anne Camilli told reporters during a media tour of the exhibition yesterday.

“Gold is an extraordinary material, it lasts forever and because of this, people have been fascinated by it since it was discovered,” Camilli said, explaining how a little bit of gold goes a long way.

“Decorating something with gold adds a precious quality to the artefact and it makes the artefact last forever, and because of this, you can see a lot of use of gold in many religions, such as in the Catholic church, Buddhism with the golden Buddha sculptures, and the use of gold in Ancient Egypt, amongst the royals and people with power,” Camilli said, “So the meaning of gold is not just wealth but its underlying quality as something precious and everlasting.”

Expert gilder Bruno Toupry demonstrates one of the gold foil techniques in a workshop for media at MGM Art Space yesterday. Toupry has been a gilder for 12 years and has made art and restoration projects with museums in France, including the Louvre. Photos: Monica Leong



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