Na Tcha – a mischievous child god & protector

2017-06-09 07:59
BY admin

The Feast of Na Tcha is not a public holiday but there are three days of activities in Macau that commemorate the deity’s appearance in the city to protect locals from a deadly plague around 1840.

Na Tcha, whose formal Taoist name is the “Marshal of the Central Altar” and was given the title “Third Lotus Prince” when he became a deity, is also a character from the 16th century Chinese classic novel “Fengshen Yanyi” (“The Investiture of the Gods”). Na Tcha in Putonghua is “Nezha”.

Based on two figures in Hindu mythology, Na Tcha bears the qualities of nature spirit Nalakubar, son of Kubera, the Lord of Wealth and protector of the world, and of child god Krishna, the god of compassion, tenderness and love.

Legend has it that Na Tcha was born during the Shang dynasty in the second millennium BC in a military fortress at Chentang Pass.

A child dressed up as Na Tcha takes part in a parade as part of the Feast of Na Tcha activities last year. Photos: Cheong Kam Ka


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