Lawmakers, activists oppose legislature’s proposed placard ban

2017-07-27 08:03
BY admin

Lawmakers Au Kam San and Ng Kuok Cheong yesterday held a press conference at their joint office in Iao Hon to express their opposition to certain amendments to the Legislative Assembly Procedure Rules proposed by the legislature’s Committee on House Rules, such as barring lawmakers from displaying placards during plenary sessions in the legislature’s hemicycle.

Meanwhile, grassroots New Macau Association (NMA) Vice-President Sulu Sou Ka Hou, Paul Chan Wai Chi, a former lawmaker and NMA key member, and several fellow group members also petitioned the Legislative Assembly (AL) yesterday, urging all lawmakers to reject the proposed amendments and let incoming legislators make their own decision on the matter.

Sou and Chan are running in the upcoming direct legislative election.

The committee’s President Vong Hin Fai, a lawyer by profession, said last Monday that in order to maintain the legislature’s solemnity and authority, the committee was proposing to amend the Procedure Rules to bar legislators from displaying any placards during the plenum. Vong said most of the members of the committee agreed with the proposal. Vong, a government-appointed lawmaker, is running in the professional sector’s indirect election.

Lawmakers Au Kam San (left) and Ng Kuok Cheong pose during yesterday’s press conference at their joint office in Iao Hon. Photos: Mike Fong

Grassroots New Macau Association (NMA) key member Paul Chan Wai Chi (second from right) yesterday hands a petition to an official of the Legislative Assembly (AL), as NMA Vice-President Sulu Sou Ka Hou (second from left) and fellow group member Ray Leong Ka Wai look on outside the legislature.



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