Theatre audience to time travel with old-school treasures

2017-08-08 08:01
BY admin

An installation theatre will take the audience on a journey back in time where parents can relive their childhood days with old school treasures while telling their children about the – supposedly – good old days when there were no smartphones and computers.

The immersive performance titled “Echoes of our Childhood”, a creation by locals Chan Si Kei and Chan Chi Cheng and their friend Chi Po Hao from Taiwan, will take place from Thursday to Sunday with six shows at the .ART black box theatre set up at the Macau Cultural Centre (CCM) in Nape.

During a meet-the-press session at the centre yesterday, Chan Si Kei said the trio wanted parents to pay more attention to their children who nowadays spend more and more time on digital gadgets.

“Echoes of our Childhood” creators Chan Si Kei (centre), Chan Chi Cheng (right) and Chi Po Hao talk about their “installation theatre” during yesterday’s meet-the-press session at the Macau Cultural Centre (CCM) in Nape. Photo: Monica Leong

The set design of “Echoes of our Childhood” is displayed at .ART black box theatre at the CCM complex yesterday.


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