2 professional sector groups re-elect sitting lawmakers

2017-09-18 08:03
BY admin

Sitting lawmakers Chui Sai Cheong, Chan Iek Lap and Vong Hin Fai were elected by the professional sector, the only sector which had two electoral groups competing, in yesterday’s indirect legislative election.

A total of six electoral groups were running in the five sectors in the indirect election, which broke the long-standing “tradition” of all the candidates running unopposed.

A total of 5,397 indirect-election voters cast their ballots, amounting to 88.5 percent of the total number of registered indirect-election voters this time.

A total of 12 of the legislature’s 33 seats are indirectly elected by association representatives.

The five indirect election sectors comprise social services and education (1 seat); labour (2 seats); professionals (3 seats); commerce and finance (4 seats); and culture and sports (2 seats).

This time the six electoral groups comprised a total of 15 candidates, three more than the number of indirectly-elected seats. There were six groups for the indirect election’s five sectors. The professional sector was the only indirect-election segment which had more candidates than seats up for grabs: six candidates for three seats. The other sectors’ candidates were running unopposed and, consequently, their election was a fait accompli.

Chui was the first-ranked candidate of the Candidature Committee of the Macau Professionals’ Interests Union (OMCY), while Vong was the second-ranked candidate. Chan was the first-ranked candidate of the Macau Medical Interests Union (UIMM).

The two electoral groups had three candidates each.

Chui is the elder brother of Chief Executive Fernando Chui Sai On, while Vong is a lawyer by profession. Chan is a paediatric doctor.
Chui and Chan are sitting lawmakers in the indirect election’s professional sector, while Vong, who is to replace lawyer Leonel Alves who is retiring from the legislature, was appointed as a lawmaker by Fernando Chui in the previous legislature.

In the social services and education sector, sitting lawmaker Chan Hong, vice-principal of Hou Kong Middle School and vice-chairwoman of the Macau Women’s General Association (commonly known as Fu Luen), was the sole candidate of the Social Service and Education Promotion Association (APSSE).

The Union of Macau Business Interests (OMKC) fielded sitting lawmakers Ho Iat Seng, Kou Hoi In, Jose Chui Sai Peng as well as newcomer Ip Sio Kai as its candidates in the commerce and finance sector.

Ho, a businessman, is the only local member of the National People’s Congress (NPC) Standing Committee. Ho is the president of the outgoing legislature.

Kou is the president of the Macau Chamber of Commerce (ACM). He is also a local deputy to the National People Congress (NPC).
Jose Chui, a civil engineer by profession, is Fernando Chui’s cousin while Ip is the deputy general manager of the local branch of Bank of China (BOC).

The labour sector’s two incoming members of the legislature are newcomers. Workers’ Children High School Vice Principal Lam Long Wai and Lei Chan U, who heads the Macau Federation of Trade Unions’ Policy Research and Information Division, were the first- and second-ranked candidates of the Joint Candidacy Committee of Employees Associations (CCCAE) group.

The two indirectly-elected lawmakers of the labour sector in the outgoing legislature are Ella Lei Cheng I, who won a seat in yesterday’s direct election, while Lam Heong Sang is retiring from the legislature.

Sitting lawmakers and businessmen Vitor Cheung Lup Kwan and Andrew Chan Chak Mo were elected in the culture and sports sector under the banner of the Excellent Cultural and Sports Union Association group.


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