Choose life: Microfilm adapts true story of local teen

2017-09-22 08:00
BY admin

Being brought up by a drug addict mother and an alcoholic father, life has never been easy for Hedy Kou Cheng, but she never got dragged down because she chose to live through it.

Kou’s story has been adapted into a 26-minute microfilm, “Choices of Life”, where Kou, now 20, relives her childhood with her drug-taking mother and her drunken father. The film had a silver-screen premiere at UA Galaxy Cinema on Saturday and earlier this week, it kicked off its school tour with a showing at her alma mater, St Paul’s School.

Exposing family’s disgrace

There’s a saying in Chinese that you shouldn’t expose your family’s disgrace to the public, but Kou chose to tell her story to help others and spread a positive message that no matter how hard the situation is, never give up.

“Some people said let the past stay in the past, and there are others that tell me that by telling people what I’ve been through, it would encourage them that they too can overcome their issues,” she told MPD Weekender in an interview earlier this week.

Hedy Kou Cheng appearing in a scene in microfilm “Choices of Life”


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