Chui to deliver 2018 Policy Address on Nov 14

2017-10-26 08:04
BY admin

hief Executive Fernando Chui Sai On will deliver his 2018 Policy Address in the legislature’s hemicycle on November 14, the Legislative Assembly (AL) announced yesterday.

According to the announcement, Chui will answer lawmakers’ questions about his policy address on November 15.

The government’s five policy secretaries will separately present their respective 2018 portfolio guidelines to the legislature from November 21 to December 6, according to the announcement.

Customarily, the policy address is delivered in the afternoon and broadcast live by government-owned broadcaster TDM on its television and radio channels in Cantonese as well as a simultaneous interpretation into the Portuguese language.

Meanwhile, the Government Information Bureau (GCS) said in a statement yesterday that Chui’s 2018 Policy Address will have a “chapter” about proposed measures to tackle the long-standing flooding problem in the Inner Harbour area.

According to the statement, Chui revealed that he will talk about the flood-prevention measures in his 2018 Policy Address during a meeting with representatives of the Macau General Union of Neighbourhood Associations (commonly known as Kai Fong) at Government Headquarters yesterday.

Chui held a meeting with a number of Kai Fong board members to listen to their opinions and suggestions for the drafting of his 2018 Policy Address.

According to the statement, the Kai Fong representatives urged Chui to come up with solutions to solve the flooding problem in the Inner Harbour area.

In response, Chui said in the meeting that his government was determined to solve the flooding issue in the low-lying area along the west coast of the peninsula that is particularly susceptible to floods during torrential rains or during a typhoon coupled with a high tide, the statement said.

According to the statement, the government’s flood-prevention measures to be mentioned in Chui’s 2018 Policy Address will include a tidal gate project and improvements to the drainage system in the Inner Harbour area.

Chief Executive Fernando Chui Sai On (centre, right) meets representatives of the Macau General Union of Neighbourhood Associations (Kai Fong) at Government Headquarters yesterday, including Kai Fong Chairman Leong Heng Kao (centre, left). Several senior government officials (seated on the right) also attended the meeting about the upcoming 2018 Policy Address, including Chui’s chief-of-cabinet O Lam (fourth from right, first row). Photo: GCS



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