IACM clarifies regulations on street name signs

2017-10-31 08:04
BY admin
In response to an article published in the October 20 edition of MPD Weekender – titled “Where have all the street name signs gone?” – Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau (IACM) official Anna Lam Tong U provided details of the relevant regulations related to street name signs and building numbers in an e-mail message sent to The Macau Post Daily late last week:

1. According to “Administrative Regulation No. 32/2001” and “Code of Municipal Ordinances of the City of Macau”, it is the Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau’s responsibility to designate the names of the city’s quarters and public areas, as well as to assign building numbers. When IACM inspectors discover that street name signs or building numbers have been destroyed, lost or covered by objects due to construction or renovation, the bureau will notify the owners to report to the Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau to fill in a form to replace the street name sign or building name and pay the related fee.

2. The Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau is responsible to install street name signs and building number signs at new public streets and new buildings. Normally, the building number signs are installed on the right or in the middle on top of the front door. Street name signs are installed on junctions, street corners or roundabouts, either by installing them on the wall of the buildings there or by setting up a street sign stand or pole on the street corner.



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