15 vie for 12 NPC seats

2017-12-07 08:00
BY admin

A total of 15 local residents have submitted their nominations at the Macau Science Centre in Nape that they obtained from electors to run in the upcoming election of 12 local deputies to the 13th National People’s Congress (NPC).

The 11-day nomination period ended yesterday.

Out of the 15 local residents, eight are sitting deputies to the 12th NPC, which will end in March. Each NPC term is five years.

Legislative Assembly (AL) President Ho Iat Seng, Macau’s only member of the NPC Standing Committee, is among the eight sitting local NPC deputies who are seeking re-election. He submitted the nominations that he had obtained earlier this week.

The Conference for Electing Deputies of the Macau Special Administrative Region (MSAR) to the 13th NPC convened its first plenary session late last month in preparation for electing the 12 local NPC deputies.

The election of the 12 deputies representing the MSAR in the 13th NPC will be held during the electoral conference’s second plenary session on December 17.

The plenary session, attended by 430 members of the electoral conference, elected an 11-member presidium, which will preside over the future meetings of the electoral conference. The electoral conference has a total of 481 members. Chief Executive Fernando Chui Sai On is the executive chairman of the 11-member presidium.

Macau residents of Chinese nationality aged 18 or above are eligible to run for NPC deputy. They need to obtain at least 10 nominations from electoral conference members for their registrations to be accepted. The maximum number of nominees each electoral conference member can nominate is 12.

In addition to Ho, the other seven current local NPC deputies seeking re-election are Ho Sut Heng, Iong Weng Ian, Jose Chui Sai Peng, Kou Hoi In, Lao Ngai Leong, Lok Po and Paula Ling Hsiao Yun.

The four current local NPC deputies who are not seeking re-election are Io Hong Meng, Lei Pui Lam, Leong Iok Wa, and Secretary for Economy and Finance Lionel Leong Vai Tac.

Of the 15 candidates, seven are running in the election for the first time: Fong Ka Fai, Kevin Ho King Lun, Lai Sai Kei, Ng Sio Lai, Si Ka Lon, Sio Chi Wai and Wong Ian Man.

Fong is a vice-chairman of the Macau Federation of Trade Unions (commonly known as Gung Luen), while Ng is the president of the Macau General Union of Neighbourhood Associations (commonly known as Kai Fong).

Kevin Ho, Sio and Wong are businessmen, while Si is a directly-elected lawmaker-cum-civic leader. Lai is the principal of Keang Peng School.



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