Consistency and discipline, Macao Fitness’s master trainer’s tip to keep fit

2018-01-05 07:55
BY admin

After numerous treats, sweets and feasts over the holidays, it’s hard not to gain a bit of weight, and that’s probably why losing weight is always on the list of New Year’s resolutions.

Getting back to the gym regimen after the holiday, or even just starting a healthy workout routine, can be difficult but the personal trainers at Macao Fitness are happy to help.

The gym’s Master Trainer Jeffrey Nungay said that going to the gym is not just about losing weight.

Nungay recently won second place in the 90kg Men’s Bodybuilding Championship at the Mr. Olympia Amateur Hong Kong and also came second in the Global Classic in the below 90 kg category.

“When we say fitness, it’s about wellness, which is about healthy living,” Nungay said, adding that healthy living is essential for everybody to boost the immune system, especially when people are now more vulnerable to diseases.

Nungay, who has 12 years of experience as a personal trainer, pointed out that with fitness training, it strengthens the body, the reflexes and flexibility, and the result is a healthy and fit body.

As a “goal-orientated trainer”, Nungay said that his role is to help clients achieve their goals.

“I don’t just train my clients, as a personal trainer, I see myself as giving hope to my clients and let them see how fitness can change their lives,” Nungay said, pointing out that he has helped clients transform “from a heavy drinker into healthy lifestyle guy”.

But Nungay noted that the transformation works not because he is a good personal trainer.

“It’s about you [the client]. It’s about the consistency and discipline,” he pointed out, explaining that as he only has one hour out of 24 hours a day to train with his client, it is really up to the clients how they spend the other 23 hours.

For Nungay, who is a full-time personal trainer and a competitor, he spends most of his time in the gym doing his own work-outs, follow his clients’ schedules and preparing for his fitness classes, all the while keeping track of his bodybuilding diet.

Nungay currently trains four to five clients a day, and each follows a different exercise and meal plan designed by Nungay depending on their needs.

According to Nungay, during the two years at Macao Fitness, most of his clients suffer from back pains as a result of pregnancy.

As master trainer at Macao Fitness, Nungay specialises in Weight Gain, Weight Loss, Sports related training, Competitive bodybuilding, Supplementation & Nutrition advice, Tone & Shaping, Core Strengthening, and Calisthenics.

Besides Nungay, there are several other top male and female personal trainers at Macao Fitness.

Macao Fitness is located on the fourth floor at the AIA Tower. For enquiries and to learn about its latest fitness classes and membership promotions, please call 2875 1189.

Macao Fitness is located on the 4th floor of AIA Tower.

Macao Fitness’s Membership Advisor, Manager and Personal Trainer Pedro Jorge Gomes at the gym’s workout area.

Macao Fitness Master Trainer Jeffrey Nungay demonstrates how he trains his client at the gym.


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