New rector keen to strengthen UM’s think tank role

2018-01-25 07:53
BY admin

New University of Macau (UM) Rector Song Yonghue said yesterday he was keen to strengthen the public university’s role as a think tank for the government.

Song made the remarks in a speech at his official inauguration ceremony on the university’s Hengqin campus. He also said that Macau’s only public university should not lead an ivory tower existence but instead commit itself to better serve Macau’s civil society, such as through closer cooperation with the government.

Song also pledged the university’s full support of the government’s policy guidelines in the education sector, adding that its reinforced role as a think tank would assist the government in implementing science-based governance.

In his speech, Song also said he was keen to attract more highly qualified professionals and doctoral degree candidates to the university.

New UM Rector Song Yonghua delivers a speech at yesterday’s inauguration ceremony held at the university’s Hengqin campus. Photo: GCS


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