Police reveal 2 cases of pupils having sex with minors

2018-08-14 08:00
BY admin

The police have received two cases of sex with minors, with one girl becoming pregnant, the Public Security Police (PSP) and Judiciary Police (PJ) announced during a regular police press conference yesterday.

Referring to the first case, Judiciary Police (PJ) spokesman Choi Ian Fai identified the suspect as a 16-year-old local male surnamed Lei who is in F3 of a school in Areia Preta. Choi noted that the case involves a 13-year-old girl who is a F2 pupil at the same school. According to the girl, she and Lei were “only friends”, not lovers.

Choi said that on July 15, Lei and the girl were hanging out during the afternoon. At around 7 p.m. that day, Lei took her to a residential building, and they had sex in the stairwell of the staircase leading to the rooftop. According to Choi, the act was consensual and Lei had used a condom.

Choi said that the girl’s mother later became aware of the pair having had sex, and reported the case to the police. During investigation, the police discovered that the male teenager was not in Macau. On Thursday, as Lei was returning to Macau via the Barrier Gate checkpoint, he was detained by police officers. Lei was transferred to the Public Prosecution Office (MP) on Saturday.
Macau’s age of criminal responsibility is 16.

In the second case, PSP spokesman Lam Keong identified the suspect as a 19-year-old male pupil at a secondary school in the city centre, whose surname was not revealed. Lam said that the girl involved is a minor, who attends the same school. He did not reveal the girl’s age.

According to Lam, the two became lovers last November, and in February they went to the male suspect’s home and had sex for the first time without using any form of contraception. Last month, the girl realised she had stopped menstruating, and went to see the doctor with the suspect. The doctor was confirmed that she was pregnant.

Lam did not elaborate on whether both continued to have sex after the first time in February.

The girl’s parents later became aware of the case, and reported it to the police on Sunday, Lam said. The case has been transferred to the Judiciary Police for further investigation.

Public Security Police (PSP) spokesman Lam Keong poses during yesterday’s press briefing. Photo: Joel Chu



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