Maid bites finger when trying to settle row between 2 men: police

2019-03-13 08:00
BY admin

Two elderly men have been hospitalised while a domestic helper was questioned after she bit the ring finger of the right hand of one of the men when attempting to settle their violent dispute, Judiciary Police (PJ) spokesman Ho Chan Nam announced during a regular conference yesterday.

According to Ho, one of the men is surnamed Chan who is in his sixties and lives alone in Rua de Francisco Xavier Pereira. The other man is surnamed Ku who is about 70 years old. Both men are local residents. The 48-year-old domestic helper surnamed Nguyen is a Vietnamese national who told police she is a friend of Chan.

Chan invited Ku for a drink in his flat at 6 p.m. on Monday. The two men had a dispute after they got drunk. The case was reported to the police early yesterday. They told the police that they started the dispute over a trivial matter.

Nguyen and the wife of Ku separately went to Chan’s flat at about 8 p.m. on Monday where they found both men drunk and asleep. When both woke up several hours later they started to fight, kicking each other in the stomach. Nguyen tried to settle the dispute but to no avail. She then deliberately bit Ku’s ring finger in an attempt to stop the fight. At that time Ku’s wife reported the case to the police.

Nguyen’s bite caused Ku’s finger to bleed. Chan and Ku were taken to hospital for treatment. Both were still in hospital at the time
of the press conference. Ku’s wife and Nguyen were taken in for questioning, according to Ho, said that the two men could possibly be charged with physical assault.

Ho added that the only innocent person in the incident is Ku’s wife.



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