Govt to test Filipina maids for measles immunity

2019-04-03 07:47
BY admin

The Health Bureau (SSM) said in a statement yesterday that it will conduct a sample survey later this week for domestic helpers from the Philippines working in Macau in order to gauge their measles immunity situation, and those who want to take part in the survey need to register today to have their blood taken for an antibody test at a health centre on Saturday.

The bureau said on Sunday that it would carry out a survey with the aim of understanding the measles immunity situation of different groups of Macau’s non-resident workers, such as in terms of their occupation, age and place of origin, after which it would come up with specific measures with the aim of protecting non-resident workers and residents alike against measles, based on the findings of the survey.

In yesterday’s statement, the bureau said, “As various regions have registered measles outbreaks lately, there is a significant increase in the risk of measles transmission in Macau. Many non-residents workers in Macau are from Southeast Asia and South Asia where measles is prevalent. Although non-resident workers from such regions are generally immune to measles due to the possibility of having been naturally infected with measles in their regions, [the bureau] does not have concrete data on their immunity situation [against measles]. Therefore, the Health Bureau [has decided to] launch a measles antibody survey for non-residents from different countries and regions.”

This undated file photo shows a child with a typical day-4 measles rash.
Courtesy PD-USGov



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