Health Bureau launches Macau’s lung cancer screening scheme today

2019-10-09 07:23
BY admin

The Health Bureau (SSM) said in a statement yesterday that it will launch a lung cancer screening pilot programme for residents today.

The pilot scheme, a first for Macau, has 100 places, the statement said.

Local residents aged between 50 and 70 meeting the following criteria are eligible to participate in the scheme free of charge: 1) A specified smoking indicator of 30, i.e. the number of packs of cigarettes smoked daily multiplied by how many years the person has been smoking and the result exceeds or equals 30; 2) the person has quit smoking for 15 years or less; 3) those who underwent or are undergoing quit-smoking counselling by the Health Bureau; and 4) those who have not undergone a chest CT scan within a year, nor are they receiving a periodic chest CT scan for having been diagnosed with lung cancer or have suspicious pulmonary nodules.

The statement did not reveal the duration of the pilot programme.


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