Hotel guests reach 10.5 million in Jan-Sept

2019-11-06 07:51
BY admin

Macau’s 121 hotels and guesthouses recorded 10.5 million guests in the first nine months of the year, a year-on-year increase of 1.7 percent, the Statistics and Census Bureau (DSEC) has announced.

The average room occupancy rate rose 0.4 percentage point to 90.8 percent. Guests’ average length of stay remained unchanged at 1.5 nights.

In September, the accommodation sector’s number of guests rose 2 percent year-on-year to 1.1 million. Tourists from the mainland, Hong Kong and Taiwan accounted for 85 percent of the total number of guests. South Koreans continued to be the sector’s number-one foreign guest segment, at 42,000, in September.

While the number of hotels and guesthouses rose 5 percent year-on-year in September, the number of guestrooms dipped 0.6 percent to 39,000. Five-star hotels accounted for 64 percent of all guestrooms.


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