Disabled complain about public transport

2016-04-25 08:00
BY admin

Attending a public consultation session about rehabilitation services, residents with disabilities yesterday complained about the city’s public bus and taxi services, while parents of people with mental disabilities said they worried their children won’t receive the necessary support when getting older.

The Social Welfare Bureau (IAS) is carrying out a public consultation on its 10-year plan for rehabilitation services for people with disabilities. The 45-day public consultation period, which started on April 15, has included two sessions – the first for disabled residents on Saturday and the second held yesterday for members of the general public.

Officials of the bureau including IAS President Celeste Vong Yim Mui, who co-ordinates an interdepartmental research group working on the plan, and Clarence Choi Sio Un, who heads the bureau’s Department of Social Solidarity, presided over yesterday’s session at the Health Centre in Areia Preta.

A wheelchair-bound resident (third from left, front row) addresses yesterday’s public consultation session about the government’s 10-year plan for rehabilitation services for people with disabilities at the Health Centre in Areia Preta while Social Welfare Bureau (IAS) President Celeste Vong Yim Mui (centre, seated on the panel) and other IAS officials look on. Photo: Ian Sio Tou

Please read the full article in our print edition.


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