More taxi licences up for sale amid worries over rule changes: group

2016-04-26 08:00
BY admin

There have recently been more owners of taxi operation licences trying to sell them, triggered for various reasons including their worries over the government’s proposed changes to Macau’s taxi regulation, Commercial Vehicles’ Owners Association President Ben Leng Sai Vai said yesterday.

After submitting a petition to an official outside Government Headquarters, Leng said that most of the 50 or so taxi operation licence owners who joined him there were “deeply worried” about some of the proposed changes, the full details of which have yet to be formally announced.

The petition is addressed to Chief Executive Fernando Chui Sai On. 

Commercial Vehicles’ Owners Association President Ben Leng Sai Vai (second from right) hands the group’s petition to an official outside Government Headquarters yesterday while his fellow group members look on. Photo: Davis Ip

Please read the full article in our print edition.


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