Govt vows ‘to meet residents every day’ during 5-year plan consultation

2016-04-28 08:00
BY admin

Policy Research Centre Director Lao Pun Lap said yesterday the government was not afraid of listening to the public directly, vowing his staff “will meet residents” every day, if need be, to collect public opinion on the government’s first ever Five-Year Development Plan (2016-2020).

The head of the government’s top think tank made the pledge when asked by reporters as to why there were no consultation sessions planned for members of the general public during the two-month long period to collect residents’ views on the plan.

Government officials – Lao, Lei Ngan Leng, who is an advisor to the office of Chief Executive Fernando Chui Sai On, and Ung Hoi Ian, vice-director of the Policy Research Office – took part in a phone-in programme about the plan by government broadcaster TDM yesterday morning.

Policy Research Centre Director Lao Pun Lap (centre) talks to reporters after yesterday’s radio phone-in programme while Lei Ngan Leng (left), an advisor to the office of Chief Executive Fernando Chui Sai On and Peter Ung Hoi Ian, vice-director of the centre, look on. Photo: Ian Sio Tou

Please read the full article in our print edition.


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