Lexx Moda goes on display at Macau Fashion Gallery

2020-03-23 04:27
BY admin

Designs by local fashion brands are on display at the Macau Fashion Gallery as part of the “2020 Brand Story – Macau Original Fashion Exhibition I” co-organised by the Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC) and Macau Productivity and Technology Transfer Centre (CPTTM).

According to a CPTTM statement, the exhibition provides participants the opportunity to demonstrate their brands in their own creative styles and showcase their brands’ concepts as well as “spread the charm of the very original local brands to the public.”

The “Brand Story” series was first launched in 2017 and five local brands have been selected for this year’s exhibition, namely Lexx Moda, Nega C., ZICS, FAITH & FEARLESS and NO.42. The designs are to be showcased in five phases, with one brand being featured in each phase, according to the statement.

The first phase of the exhibition is women’s shoe brand Lexx Moda founded by Sanjo Iong in 2002 when she started her business in a small town in Northamptonshire in the UK.

The exhibition layout is based on simple black and white lines to integrate a modern style setting and highlights the brand’s classic style, through which Iong hopes to let visitors settle their thoughts and intentions in a simple exhibition atmosphere, and to feel the story behind the brand, according to the statement.

The “2020 Brand Story – Macau Original Fashion Exhibition I” runs until May 10 at the Macau Fashion Gallery in 47 Rua de S. Roque, S. Lázaro district. The gallery is open from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. every day (except Mondays). Admission is free.

As part of the government’s COVID-19 epidemic prevention measures, all visitors entering the venue have to wear a facemask, have their temperature checked and present a digital health declaration.

For enquiries, please call 2835 3341 or visit the website http://macaofashiongallery.com/en/.






Photos: Camy Tam


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