Drunken casino worker burns motorbike seat with cigarette

2020-04-03 03:35
BY admin
A drunken casino PR worker damaged a motorcycle seat with a lit cigarette in Rua dos Hortelãos in the Iao Hon neighbourhood. 

The motorcycle owner noticed the burn mark on the seat when he picked up his motorcycle on February 27 and called the police, Public Security Police (PSP) spokesman Wong Wai Chon said during a regular press conference this week.

According to Wong, the male suspect was arrested on Sunday in Iao Hon and confessed to the crime. The suspect is a 29-year-old local resident surnamed Chu who works as a PR official in a local casino.

Wong said that the victim, also a local resident, parked his motorcycle on the pavement in Rua dos Hortelãos in the evening of February 26. When he picked it up the next morning, he found that the seat was damaged, suspecting that it was a cigarette burn, he decided to report the case to the police.

The police identified the suspect thanks to CCTV footage and arrested him near Rua dos Hortelãos on Sunday afternoon.

According to Wong, Chu admitted the crime and claimed that he was drunk at the time of the incident and burned the seat of the motorcycle with a lit cigarette when he walked by. The victim told the police the repairs would cost about 10,000 patacas.

Chu has been transferred to the Public Prosecution Office (MP) for questioning, facing a charge of property damage, according to Wong. 

This undated handout photo provided by the Public Security Police (PSP) on Tuesday shows a PSP officer escorting the suspect to the Public Prosecution Office (MP) in Nape.


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