MUST says students with temperature below 38°C can sit examination

2020-04-15 01:50
BY admin

The Joint Admission Examination (JAE) for Macau Four Higher Education Institutions will be held between tomorrow and Sunday, and around 4,000 candidates will take the admission examination on Saturday and Sunday in four higher education institutions, according to a statement provided by the Communications and Public Relations Office of the Macau University of Science and Technology (MUST) yesterday.

MUST representatives told reporters during a media tour yesterday that students with a temperature below 38 degrees Celsius can sit the examination held on the MUST campus.

According to information posted on the Higher Education Bureau (DSES) website, the four higher education institutions participating in the Joint Admission Examination are the University of Macau (UM), Macau Polytechnic Institute (IPM), Macau Institute for Tourism Studies (IFTM), and Macau University of Science and Technology (MUST).

The Macau University of Science and Technology invited the media on the tour about its arrangements for the examination on its campus yesterday.

For the time being, MUST and the other three higher education institutions will not allow candidates’ parents to enter the respective campuses on the examination dates, MUST Vice President and JAE working group spokesman Kwong Ying Wa said during the tour.

“The whole arrangement has been made in accordance with the guidelines by the government,” Kwong said.

Eliza Iek Wai Seong, MUST Head of Academic Registry, said all candidates can enter the campus only through one entry point at the Block A building on the MUST campus after showing their examination permit, submitted a written health declaration form and had their temperature checked.

“They are permitted to enter the examination venue in Block B and C only if they indicate ‘no’ concerning the three conditions listed on the form,” Iek said.

Iek said any candidate with a temperature of 37.5 degrees Celsius or above will be immediately isolated in a fever clinic on the MUST campus for about 10 minutes. According to Iek, they can take the examination only if their temperature is lower than 38 degrees Celsius after they had had their temperature checked twice with a thermometer gun. Otherwise, the Fire Services Bureau (CB) will be informed.

Macau’s ambulance services are run by the Fire Services Bureau.

Iek admitted that some candidates might have a temperature because they are nervous.

Previously, the three other institutions said in a joint statement that candidates with a temperature of 37.5 degrees Celsius or above cannot sit the Joint Admission Examination.

Iek pointed out that each examination room on the MUST campus can accommodate between 28 and 54 candidates.

Macau University of Science and Technology (MUST) Head of Academic Registry Eliza Iek Wai Seong looks at a map during yesterday’s media tour about the Joint Admission Examination (JAE). – Photo by Mark Yeung


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