Nation’s regulator donates 6,800 boxes of TCM to Macau: govt

2020-04-17 03:26
BY admin

The regulatory National Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine (NATCM) has donated 6,800 boxes of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) to the local government, the donation ceremony of which took place yesterday, according to a statement by the Novel Coronavirus Response and Coordination Centre.

According to the statement, the NATCM entrusted the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in Macau to hand over the donation to the local government. The donated medicines will be used to treat patients, the statement said.

According to Wikipedia, NATCM is a state administration within the portfolio of the National Health Commission (formerly the National Health and Family Planning Commission), tasked with regulating the traditional Chinese medicine industry.

Liaison Office Deputy Director Yan Zhichan, Secretary for Social Affairs and Culture Ao Ieong U and Health Bureau (SSM) Director Lei Chin Ion attended the ceremony. The statement did not state where the ceremony took place.

Yan was appointed as one of the four deputy directors of the Liaison Office late last month.

According to the statement, when addressing the ceremony, Yan said that the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic was a major public health emergency affecting the whole world.

Yan pointed out that the central government has provided “tremendous support” to the local government in combating the COVID-19 epidemic, the statement noted.

Yan said she firmly believed that the local government has taken effective measures in fighting the epidemic, but cautioned that Macau still has a “long way to go” tackling imported novel coronavirus disease cases, the statement noted.

TCM has played an important role in fighting the pandemic, Yan said, adding she believed the donated traditional Chinese medicine will assist Macau in its anti-epidemic work, the statement underlined.

On behalf of the local government, Ao Ieong expressed her gratitude to the NATCM for its support of Macau in fighting the COVID-19 epidemic, the statement said.

Ao Ieong also vowed that, with the support of the central government, the local government is determined to do its utmost to prevent the disease from spreading, and also to further protect public health in Macau, the statement underlined. 

Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in Macau Deputy Director Yan Zhichan (left) and Secretary for Social Affairs and Culture Ao Ieong U attend yesterday’s TCM donation ceremony. Photo: Novel Coronavirus Response and Coordination Centre


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