Privacy protector launches 155 probes last year

2016-05-11 08:00
BY admin

The Personal Data Protection Office (GPDP) last year launched 155 new investigations into the collection and handling of such data, a 20.1 percent drop year-on-year, GPDP Director Vasco Fong Man Chong said yesterday. 

Fong, a former anti-graft commissioner and judge, and his deputy Yang Chongwei co-hosted a press conference on the city’s privacy statistics for 2015 at their office in China Plaza.

According to Fong, of the total number of investigations last year, 136 involved private entities, accounting for 66.7 percent, while 55 involved individuals and the remaining 13 targeted public entities.

Personal Data Protection Office (GPDP) Director Vasco Fong Man Chong (left) addresses yesterday’s press conference at China Plaza while his deputy Yang Chongwei looks on. Photo: Davis Ip


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