Another Cetacean found on city’s shore

2020-05-18 03:28
BY admin

The carcass of Cetacean was found floating in waters along the Oriental Pearl shoreline on Friday with bruises around its fins and tail, the Municipal Affairs Bureau (IAM) said in a statement.

It was the second Cetacean carcass found around the city’s waters, following a dolphin that was washed ashore along the rocky shore in Coloane on Thursday.

According to the Marine and Water Bureau (DSAMA), they received a report about  what appeared to be a dolphin carcass floating in waters between the new land reclamation zone A and the artificial island for the Zhuhai-Macau border checkpoint on Friday afternoon, and immediately brought the carcass ashore and referred the case to the Municipal Affairs Burau to handle the follow-up work.

The Municipal Affairs Burau said in its statement that its staff arrived at the scene and, based on the appearance, the carcass might be a finless porpoise or a Chinese white dolphin.

According to the IAM statement, the female Cetacean measures 2.4 metres in length and further investigation was needed to identify its breed and age.

However, the statement pointed out that bruises were found around the carcass’s pectoral fins and tail, and it had a slightly bloated stomach. A dissection report shows there was nothing in the stomach, neither were there any plastic items, and further investigation was needed to determine the cause of the aquatic mammal’s death.

The Municipal Affairs Bureau urged the public to call its hotline 2833 7676 if they see any dead Cetaceans. 

This handout photo provided by the Municipal Affairs Bureau (IAM) on Friday shows two staff members measuring the Cetacean carcass that was found floating in waters along the Oriental Pearl shoreline earlier that day. 


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