One more suicide reported in Seac Pai Van

2020-05-18 03:34
BY admin

The Police Reporting Centre received a call from the public Conde de São Januário Hospital Centre on Friday at 7:50 p.m. stating that a man had committed suicide by hanging himself in the staircase of a residential building in Seac Pai Van in Coloane, according to a message from Judiciary Police (PJ) spokeswoman Lei Hon Nei early Saturday.

Lei’s message said that the local man was certified dead at the scene.

The victim was identified as a 62-year-old local man surnamed Kuok.

According to Lei’s message, PJ officers spoke to Kuok’s wife at the scene who told the police that her husband was not in the flat when she returned home at 6 p.m. on that day. She searched the building and found him hanging from the fire hose. She immediately rang 999.

According to a preliminary examination of the body, there was no indication of foul play. A forensic examination will be carried out and the case has been referred to the PJ Investigation section for follow-up, according to Lei’s message.

The police reported earlier this month that a man died in charcoal-burning suicide in the Seac Pai Van Public Housing Estate on May 9 and that a woman “fell” from a flat in the estate on May 10. 


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