Notary to be required for rent contracts: lawmaker

2016-05-13 08:00
BY admin

Lawmaker-cum-banker Cheang Chi Keong said yesterday that his standing committee and the initiators of a rent control bill had reached an agreement according to which a public or private notary must be present when a rent contract is signed.

The proposal is part of the bill initiated by nine of the legislature’s 33 lawmakers.

The legislature’s 3rd Standing Committee yesterday held a closed-door meeting with government officials and some of the lawmakers who initiated the bill. Cheang briefed reporters on the meeting in the legislative chamber afterwards.

Lawmaker-cum-banker Cheang Chi Keong speaks to reporters yesterday after a closed-door meeting with government officials and some of the lawmakers who initiated a rent control bill under review by the committee. Photo: Leong Lok Ian

Please read the full article in our print edition.


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