Ice abuse rising, more HK drug suspects in Macau: official data

2016-05-13 08:01
BY admin

Considering the consumption of methamphetamine (commonly known as Ice) is rising and more Hong Kong people have been busted in Macau for smuggling and/or selling drugs Social Welfare Bureau President Celeste Vong Yim Mui said yesterday, that her bureau would strengthen co-operation with its Hong Kong counterparts in the fight against drugs.

Vong also said that members of the government-appointed Narcotics Control Committee will visit Hong Kong and Guangdong to exchange information on anti-drug work.  

Vong made the remarks during a meeting of the committee at the Education and Youth Affairs Bureau (DSEJ). The meeting was open to the media for the first time. 

Social Welfare Bureau (IAS) President Celeste Vong Yim Mui presides over yesterday’s government-appointed Narcotics Control Committee at the Education and Youth Affairs Bureau (DSEJ). Photo: Ian Sio Tou

Please read the full article in our print edition.


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