2 pupils arrested for stealing scooter twice, driving without licence

2020-06-11 02:11
BY admin

Two 17-year-old pupils were arrested on Sunday for twice stealing and riding a scooter without a licence which was parked in Man On housing estate in Rua da Tribuna near Iao Hon Municipal Market, Judiciary Police (PJ) spokesman Ho Chan Nam said during a regular press conference yesterday.

The two local teens surnamed Lao and U are enrolled in the same secondary school in the northern district.

Ho said the victim reported to the police in late May that his scooter had vanished but later that day found it in the same parking bay so he disregarded the matter. On Sunday, the victim discovered at about 10:30 p.m. that his scooter had vanished again. He asked a friend who works for the Judiciary Police (PJ) to help him find out what happened. They found the two suspects at the parking space at around 11:35 p.m., and the PJ officer questioned them. 

Lao told the police that he saw the scooter with the key in the ignition in late May and took it for a ride with his friend. They parked it in the same place afterwards but took the key with them. Lao said he told U that he had stolen the scooter. He invited U to go for a ride again on Sunday night and parked it in the same place again after their second joy ride, according to Ho. 

Lao and U were transferred to the Public Prosecutions Office (MP) on Tuesday, both facing vehicle theft charges, while Lao also faces a charge of driving without a licence. 

Judiciary Police (PJ) spokesman Ho Chan Nam pose during yesterday’s regular press conference. Photo: Camy Tam


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