Young woman rescued after ‘leaping’ from old bridge

2020-06-15 03:31
BY admin

A young woman who “fell” from the Ponte Governador Nobre de Carvalho Bridge on Saturday afternoon, was rescued and rushed to hospital for emergency treatment, according to a text message from the Public Security Police (PSP) on Saturday.

Local Chinese-language media said that the woman had “jumped” from the bridge.

A man surnamed Tam told the police at about 1:49 p.m. on Saturday that someone had attempted to jump off the bridge. The police immediately informed the Macau Customs Services and Fire Services Bureau (CB) to send their rescue officers to the scene, a PSP spokesman told The Macau Post Daily yesterday.

According to spokespeople for the Public Security Police and Fire Services Bureau, the young woman, a local resident is in her twenties, stood on the middle section of the bridge alongside the Taipa-to-Macau lane before she ended up in the fairway below. When customs officers rescued her she was still conscious, after which firefighters rushed her to the public Conde de S. Januário Hospital Centre at 2:21 p.m.

Investigations into the incident are continuing, according to the spokespeople. 


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