Man nabbed for falsely accusing his friend: police

2020-07-09 02:51
BY admin
A local man was arrested this week for falsely accusing a friend of forging a power of attorney document or paper to sell his flat in 1996, Judiciary Police (PJ) Sou Sio Keong said during a regular press conference yesterday.

The 66-year-old suspect surnamed Lok told the police that he is unemployed.

According to Sou, Lok reported to the police in November last year that he was cheated by a man who allegedly wrote a false power of attorney paper so that he could sell Lok’s flat near the Red Market.

PJ officers discovered that the power of attorney document had the genuine signatures of Lok and his wife who owned the flat. However, they also found out that Lok had borrowed about 400,000 patacas from his friend in 1996 but failed to repay him. Therefore, according to the police investigation, he and his wife authorised their friend to sell the flat. The friend sold it for no more than one million patacas, Sou said. Lok then repaid his friend the 400,000 pataca debt, while he gave the remainder to his wife, the investigation discovered.

Sou said Lok, however, denied that he had owed his friend any money and that his friend had falsely accused him.

Lok was transferred to the Public Prosecutions Office (MP) on Tuesday, facing a charge of calumnious denunciation.


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