Retiree shares child porn videos on social media: police

2020-07-10 00:52
BY admin

A retiree was arrested on Wednesday for sharing two child porn video clips on social media, Judiciary Police (PJ) Sou Sio Keong said during a special press conference yesterday.

The 65-year-old suspect surnamed Tam told the police that he is retired.

According to Sou, PJ officers received an Interpol notice on Tuesday about a 1-minute and a 3-second-long child porn video clip from an IP address in Macau, and suspected the case was related to a resident in Macau.

According to Sou, PJ officers confirmed that the clip depicted sexual intercourse between a foreign boy and a woman and it therefore amounted to child pornography and sexual assault of a minor.  

Sou said PJ officers tracked down Tam later that day and arrested him at his home in Avenida do Ouvidor Arriaga on Wednesday morning. During the investigation, the officers discovered four pornographic videos depicting minors on Tam’s desktop and smartphone, including the clip provided by Interpol. The officers also discovered at least 70 pornographic photos of minors and another 100 video clips and photos still to be confirmed whether they involve minors as well. 

Under questioning, Tam confessed. He told the police that early this month an overseas social platform introduced him to a website providing child pornography, after which he joined the social media group comprising more than 100 people, according to Sou.

After downloading the video clips, Tam forwarded two clips and shared them with other groups on his smartphone. Sou said that there was no evidence that Tam’s case is related to a similar case involving a Filipinos suspect which was announced on Wednesday, adding that no clips or photos in the two cases appear to involve minors in Macau. PJ officers are still investigating the sources of the pornographic clips and photos, according to Sou.

Tam was transferred to the Public Prosecutions Office (MP) yesterday, facing a child pornography charge.

As there have been two cases involving child porn on two consecutive days, Sou urged the public not to share, sell or produce such videos. Culprits face between two and eight years behind bars.

The hooded child porn suspect is escorted by Judiciary Police (PJ) officers from the PJ headquarters in Zape to a vehicle yesterday. – Photos: Iong Tat Choi

Evidence seized from the suspect’s flat such as a Central Processing Unit (CPU), a smartphone and a USB flash drive are displayed during yesterday’s special press conference about this week’s second child porn case, in the pressroom of the Judiciary Police (PJ).


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