Police arrest 2 ‘bored’ teens for arson

2016-05-18 08:00
BY admin

The police have arrested two 15-year-old boys for an arson attack in a residential building in Iao Hon on Monday, a Judiciary Police (PJ) spokesperson said during a regular press briefing yesterday.

The spokesperson said the case was passed to the police by the Fire Services Bureau (CB) after firefighters were called to the scene at around 10 p.m. on Monday and found the circumstances to be suspicious as there wasn’t anything that could have started a fire nearby.

The spokesperson said that according to the woman who reported the fire, as she returned home earlier that evening, two teens rushed past her into the lift. Soon after, the woman smelt something burning in the corridor and saw that some cardboard boxes outside her flat were alight, and so she called the Fire Services Bureau. 

Please read the full article in our print edition.


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