Govt to axe Human Resources Office next week

2016-05-19 08:00
BY admin

The Labour Affairs Bureau (DSAL) will set up a Non-resident Workers Employment Department on May 28 to take over the functions of the Human Resources Office (GRH), which will be axed the same day.

The Executive Council (ExCo) has finished discussing the draft of a by-law regarding the bureau’s new organisational structure, the advisory body’s spokesman Leong Heng Teng told reporters during a press conference at Government Headquarters yesterday.

The bureau currently has 421 staff members while the office has 92, Leong said, adding that all of the GRH employees will join the bureau. He also said the office’s 56-billion-pataca budget for this year will be transferred to the bureau, which has a budget of about 354 million patacas.

Labour Affairs Bureau Director Wong Chi Hong (right) speaks during a press conference at Government Headquarters yesterday while Executive Council (ExCo) spokesman Leong Heng Teng looks on. Photo: Davis Ip 

Please read the full article in our print edition.


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