Group calls for official measures to lower prices

2016-05-19 08:00
BY admin

Local activist group People Power urged Secretary for Administration and Justice Sonia Chan Hoi Fan and Secretary for Economy and Finance Lionel Leong Vai Tac yesterday to come up with measures to lower consumer prices, especially the retail price of pork, before September 1, adding that the group would stage a protest if the two officials fail to do that.

Cheong Weng Fat, the vice-chairman of the group, made the appeal during a press conference held at the office of grassroots lawmakers Au Kam San and Antonio Ng Kuok Cheong in Areia Preta yesterday. The high-profile labour activist accused local pork hawkers of overcharging consumers.

During the press conference, Cheong showed reporters a photocopy of a letter dated May 9 from Fernando Chui Sai On’s office in reply to the group’s petition about the issue last month. According to the letter, the secretariats headed by Leong and Chan will follow up on the matter. Cheong also said he would submit petitions to the offices of the two policy secretaries before long.

People Power Vice-President Cheong Weng Fat speaks during yesterday’s press conference at the office of grassroots lawmakers Au Kam San and Antonio Ng Kuok Cheong in Areia Preta yesterday. Photo: Davis Ip

Please read the full article in our print edition.


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