GEG staff help ‘Peng On Tung’ users after Typhoon Higos

2020-08-21 02:32
BY admin

After Typhoon Higos lashed the city early on Wednesday morning, GEG Volunteer Team contacted the Peng On Tung Tele-Assistance Services Centre (Peng On Tung) to help them check the conditions of the users’ flats and carry out household repairs where necessary.

The Peng On Tung service in Macau is run by the General Union of Neighbourhood Associations of Macao (UGAMM).

The GEG volunteering team began a two-day task yesterday where they would visit more than 40 household users of the Peng On Tung service during which they would present each household with a “Family Care” Kit and arrange staff members from the Engineering Department to help inspect the condition of each unit’s water drainage, plumbing, and electricity systems, as well as help conduct simple household repairs.

The Red Cross “Family Care” Kit donated by GEG Foundation includes facemasks, towels and daily necessities such as slippers and raincoats.

In addition, the volunteers also chatted with senior citizens about the recent typhoon and their daily lives.

The task continues today where the volunteer team and other staff members will head out to different neighbourhoods and visit the homes of other users of the “Peng On Tung” service.

Peng On Tung Acting Manager Lam Sut Kam said that GEG has always paid attention to the needs of Peng On Tung’s service users.

“Earlier, GEG collaborated with different government departments to specifically arrange typhoon preparedness talks and seminars for Peng On Tung’s elderly service users, so that they can learn more about what they need to do and prepare for typhoons,” Lam said, “This time, they contacted us immediately after Typhoon Higos left to check on how we were doing, as well as whether our centre or any of our service users were in need of immediate support, which we are very grateful for.”       – gegpr

A Peng On Tung user (left) tells GEG volunteers it was his birthday during their visit yesterday.       Photo: GEG


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