KK organises youth training programme to give young boxers focus

2020-08-31 02:27
BY admin

The Macao Boxing General Association’s (MBA) gym in Areia Preta on Saturday saw the final day of the “2020 Youth Boxing Training Programme” organised by Ng Kuok Kun, aka KK aka The Macau Kid, Macau’s first successful professional boxer, who is now training aspiring boxers or those just doing it for fun.

The training programme started on Thursday at the running track next to the now defunct Canidrome which saw the 15 pupils, students and adults, aged from 15 to 30, competing in 100m, 400m and a 12-minute endurance runs. Friday was a rest day and Saturday saw the athletes, including three females, take part in long jump, strength, boxing skills, speed on the punch bag and speed running competitions. There was even a musical interlude performed by local singer Melody.

The main sponsor of the three-day event was the Sports Bureau (ID). KK was assisted in the event’s organisation by Billy Vong Kuok Veng of MBA.

The idea behind the programme was to get together people who love boxing and sport in general for “fun and competition”. The athletes were divided into three groups, Group A – male adults, Group B -under 18 males, and females.

KK told The Macau Post Daily, “I have been doing a teenager training class and teenagers need a target. Unfortunately, due to the current [COVID-19] situation we can’t organise any [boxing] competitions, so we created these games to keep their fitness, their focus and give them heart.”

All the participants totally enjoyed the programme and all admitted to be extremely tired.

Everyone received a “Certificate of Training” and the first three of each event and each group received a trophy and monetary prizes ranging from 500 to 1,500 patacas.

The overall winners were Alvin John Reyes Salinas of Group A, Chan Hou In of Group B and Chan Man Man of the female segment.

Overall winners (from left to right) Chan Hou In, Chan Man Man and Alvin John Reyes Salinas pose with their trophies at the Macao Boxing General Association’s (MBA) gym in Areia Preta on Saturday. Photo: Lesley Wells


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