Transport Bureau, TCM slam attack on bus driver

2020-09-21 02:26
BY admin

The Transport Bureau (DSAT) said in a statement yesterday that it “solemnly” condemns the violence against a public bus driver at a bus stop outside Patane Market at about 11 p.m. on Saturday.

The bureau is cooperating with the Public Security Police (PSP) carrying out an official investigation into the incident, the statement said.

Under any circumstances, a passenger must not interfere with a public bus driver while he or she is working, in order to ensure the safety of passengers on the bus, the statement noted.

The bureau has advised the bus company to sue the passenger for assaulting the bus driver, the statement underlined.

According to public bus operator TCM’s statement on its Facebook page last night, the incident happened on a Barrier Gate-bound bus of the No. 1 route when the bus was travelling from A Ma Temple to Barrier Gate. When he reached the Patane Market bus stop, a passenger, who was not wearing a facemask as officially required, got on the bus.

When the driver reminded the passenger, a quarrel ensued and the passenger attacked the driver who was later rushed to hospital for emergency treatment. The driver sustained minor injuries and is recuperating, according to the statement.

Both the bureau and TCM reaffirmed that they “strongly” condemn the “brutal” behaviour of the offender and stressed that public bus drivers are responsible for the safety of their passengers so their work should be respected and their personal safety must be protected. 


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