FAITH & FEARLESS goes on display at Macau Fashion Gallery

2020-10-06 01:38
BY admin

An exhibition of local brand FAITH & FEARLESS (FF) by local design firm Todot Design & Planning Limited (Todot Design) is on display at the Macau Fashion Gallery (MFG) as part of the “2020 Brand Story – Macau Original Fashion Exhibition IV” in conjunction with the Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC) and Macau Productivity and Technology Transfer Centre (CPTTM).

According to a CPTTM statement, the exhibition series provides participants with the opportunity to showcase their brands in their own creative styles and their brands’ concepts as well as to “spread the charm of the very original local brands to the public.” 

The “Brand Story” series was launched in 2017 and five local brands have been selected for this year’s exhibition – Lexx Moda, Nega C., ZICS, FAITH & FEARLESS, and NO. 42. The designs are to be showcased in five phases, with one brand being featured in each phase, according to the statement.

The fourth phase of the exhibition features fashion label “FAITH & FEARLESS (FF)” founded by Todot Design which comprises three designers – Bob Lei Hou Keong, Fever Chu On Pong and Jay Chen Pengji, from Macau, Hong Kong and Shenzhen respectively. The trio have, according to the exhibition brochure, different cultural backgrounds that nurture their creations. 

The brand was established in 2016 with an aim of upholding the idea of believing in, and staying true to oneself, according to the brochure. 

The exhibition mainly displays FF works as well as watches created by the trio in 2014 branded ULTRAWORKS. 

“FF is good at utilising everyday materials such as woven and camouflage fabrics, polyester and PVC to produce different products such as T-shirts, caps and bags,” the brochure says, adding that “as a young fashion brand, FF focuses on fast fashion to bring out a spirit, a personality, and a casual feeling while the display of ULTRAWORKS watches redefines the way of telling the time, according to an article about the trio on the MFG website. 

One of the designers, Lei told The Macau Post Daily on the phone yesterday that the theme of the exhibition is their brand name – FAITH & FEARLESS “meaning FAITH makes us more like ourselves and FEARLESS makes us a unique being.”

He encouraged the public to be brave to go against the current trends and be who we are. He added that their new plan is to design stationery, and an acrylic name card holder is the first stationery design product available at the exhibition, Lei noted. 

The gallery is offering a 30 percent discount on all the exhibits that are for sale during the exhibition.

The exhibition runs until November 1 at the Macau Fashion Gallery at 47, Rua de S. Roque, S. Lázaro district. The gallery is open from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. every day (except Mondays). Admission is free.

As part of the government’s COVID-19 epidemic prevention measures, all visitors entering the venue must wear a facemask, have their temperature checked and present a digital health code.

For enquiries, please call 2835 3341 or visit the website

Photos: Camy Tam


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