The Macau Post Daily recommends:

2020-10-08 21:38
BY admin

Cinematheque Passion will screen “Marona’s Fantastic Tale” on October 10 (Saturday) at 7:30 p.m. and on October 11 (Sunday) at 9:30 p.m. Online ticketing (Mpay required):

The Romanian-French animated 92-minute film by Anca Damian will be shown in the original French language with Chinese and English subtitles.


Marona, a mongrel, has just been hit by a car. Still stunned by the accident, she senses her soul gradually rising up and leaving her. She sees cars zipping past and brushing up against her lifeless body, while Solange, her last mistress to date, weeps crocodile tears over her. As death gently carries her away, Marona sees her life flashing before her eyes. A dog’s life...

A film not to be missed!


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