Man films 2 sisters 8 times in their bathroom from his flat

2020-10-12 02:03
BY admin

A local man was arrested last week for using his smartphone to film two sisters living in the flat next door when they were using the toilet or having a shower, Public Security Police (PSP) spokesman Leong Chi Seng said at a regular press conference on Friday.

The 24-year-old suspect surnamed Cheong told the police that he works for a telecom company.

According to Leong, the sisters, who are in their thirties and twenties, called the police on Thursday. They told the police that a man living next door to them in Avenida de Venceslau de Morais had used his smartphone to film the elder sister when she was having a shower. The elder sister told the police that she saw a white smartphone moving in front of the window of her bathroom while she was taking a shower at about 1 a.m. The victim suspected that someone was filming her surreptitiously and immediately got dressed.

According to Leong, the elder sister told the police that her bathroom was located near the living room of an adjoining flat and she suspected that the man living next door flat filmed her.

She also told the police that after the incident she went to the suspect’s flat with her younger sister. The victim confronted Cheong about her suspicion when he opened the door. According to the victim, Cheong admitted that he had filmed her secretly. The two sisters called the police immediately.

PSP officers arrived at the scene and questioned Cheong who admitted that he filmed the victim “because she’s beautiful”. He told the police that he used his smartphone and reached out of his living room window to film her when she was having a shower in the bathroom. Cheong told the police that he kept the film, Leong said.

According to Leong, the officers discovered that there were eight video clips on Cheong’s smartphone of the two sisters. The clips showed that he filmed them when they were using the toilet or having a shower. 

Cheong has been transferred to the Public Prosecutions Office (MP), facing an invasion of privacy charge, according to Leong. 


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