AFA’s 2nd 2020 exhibition shows ‘New Generation.New Media’

2020-10-21 02:22
BY admin

A solo media art exhibition entitled “Into The Light” by local artist Sisi Wong Si Teng is being held at the Macau Art For All Society (AFA) gallery, organised by AFA and partly sponsored by the Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC). This is the second part of AFA’s “New Generation • New Media” exhibition series this year.

According to an AFA statement, Wong was born in Macau and moved to Taiwan during her childhood. She obtained her bachelor’s and master’s degrees from the Department of Fine Arts of the Taiwan University of Arts (NTUA) in New Taipei City, majoring in mixed media. She now lives in Macau and engages in visual art education.

Wong’s work mainly focuses on photography, image installation and video art which combines “light”, “image” and “visual perception” as the main elements of her creations, looking for the essence of “consciousness” and “self-existence” belonging to the individual in the photographic vocabulary, according to the statement.

Wong told The Macau Post Daily last week at the gallery that the exhibition was initiated by her photographs entitled “Pantheon” which she took in Rome during her trip to Italy last year.

According to the statement, her artwork shows that she is trying to express herself while looking back to the art history of light by taking physical and mental inspiration from the majestic historical architecture of the Pantheon. 

Wong said her Pantheon photo set focuses on the “oculus” (Latin for “eye”) of the huge dome, which is the only light source of the entire building, like the eye of God, which clearly shows the sacredness of light and its connection with vision. Wong added that “Light” is the first element of God’s creation, and therefore it is the first element of the creation and regeneration of the universe. “Light is also the basic condition of vision, so it is closely related to visual arts as well as my source of inspirations”, she said.

Wong’s exhibits aim to deliver her thinking process on the theme comprising light reproduction and light as a medium. She combined simple images with the deployment of light, movements, materials and space to transform them into a colourful appearance of a whole, immersing the audience “into the light” to fully experience the form and meaning of different interpretations of light.

The Pantheon, (“temple] of all the gods”) is a former Roman temple, now a Catholic church (Basilica of St. Mary and the Martyrs), in Rome, on the site of an earlier temple commissioned by Marcus Agrippa during the reign of Augustus (27 BC – 14 AD), according to Wikipedia. 

The exhibition runs until November 6 at AFA Macau on the 1st floor gallery of Tak Chun Macau Art Garden in 265, Avenida do Dr. Rodrigo Rodrigues, it opens daily (except Sundays and public holidays) from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Admission is free. The exhibits are for sale. They are priced between 2,500 patacas and 28,000 patacas.

As part of the government’s COVID-19 epidemic prevention measures, all visitors entering the venue must wear a facemask.

For enquiries, call 2836 6064 during office hours or visit the website

 Photos: Camy Tam


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