60-year-old attacks wife for watching ‘loud’ film on her smartphone: police

2020-11-24 03:33
BY admin

A casino dealer was arrested on Sunday for attacking his wife because she was watching a film on her smartphone and the volume was too loud, Judiciary Police (PJ) spokeswoman Lei Hon Nei said at a regular press conference yesterday.

The 60-year-old local suspect is surnamed Wu. His wife is in her fifties. The couple married in Macau in 1992. They have two children who are in their twenties and live with their parents in Taipa.

According to Lei, a woman reported to the police on Saturday night that her husband attacked her. The victim told the police that her husband’s temperament started to change drastically about six months ago and he often blamed her for trivial matters. The victim said that her husband went into the couple’s bedroom to go to sleep on Saturday at about 11 p.m. where she was watching a film on her smartphone on the bed. He told his wife that the volume on her phone was too loud and asked her to switch it off, otherwise he would break it into pieces. 

However, the victim ignored what he said and her husband got very angry. He suddenly wrapped his arm around her neck, causing her to panic. When she tried to get off the bed, her husband pushed her to the floor. Afterwards, he sat on his wife and strangled her for nearly 30 seconds, telling her: “I’ll kill you”. 

The victim shouted for help which alerted their daughter who rushed into the bedroom and stopped the attack. The victim then called the police. Public Security Police (PSP) officers arrived at the scene and referred the case on Sunday morning to the Judiciary Police for follow-up, Lei said.

According to Lei, PJ officers took Wu to a police station for questioning. Wu told the police that after telling his wife to switch off her phone she had kicked him so he got angry and attacked her. 

The victim sustained scratches on her neck, Lei said, adding that a doctor said that she would recover within three days. The victim told the police that her husband punched her a month ago but did not report the case to the police.

Wu was transferred to the Public Prosecutions Office (MP) yesterday, facing a domestic violence charge, according to Lei. 


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