Customs Service finds fake luxury bags in Iao Hon

2020-11-30 03:52
BY admin

Macau Customs Service officers found 40 counterfeit luxury-brand handbags in two stores in the same mall in Iao Hon district, according to a Customs Service Statement on Friday.

According to the statement, Macau Customs Service officers were previously patrolling a shopping centre in Iao Hon and saw a shop that was selling luxury-brand-name handbags at an extremely low price. The statement pointed out that the officers noticed that the quality of the handbags was “subpar”, so the officers suspected that they were fakes.

The statement said that the officers went to the store again on Wednesday and saw that another shop in the same mall was also selling apparently bogus brand-named handbags. The statement pointed out that the officers confiscated 40 fake handbags and wallets, adding that after confirming that they were all counterfeit products, the officers arrested a local woman for importing bogus brand-named items.

The bureau noted that if they were real bags, they could have been sold for 45,000 patacas in total.

According to the statement, the 58-year-old suspect owns the two stores. The statement said the suspect confessed that she purchased the bogus handbags and wallets from the mainland for 20-50 patacas and resold them for 50-120 patacas.

The Customs Service has transferred the suspects to the Public Prosecution Office (MP). According to Article 292 of the Industrial Property Code Decree-Law No. 97/99/M, the suspects face up to six months in jail. 

This undated handout photo released by the Macau Customs Service on Friday shows the counterfeit handbags and wallets confiscated on Wednesday.


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