IAS opens Emergency Shelter as mercury set to drop to 12 Celsius

2020-12-04 03:05
BY admin

The Social Welfare Bureau (IAS) has opened the government’s Emergency Shelter in Rua de Asilo in Ilha Verde district to the public as the temperature is predicted to drop to or even be below 12 degrees Celsius in the city, according to an IAS statement yesterday.

It’s the first time in the outgoing year that the “cold weather” shelter has opened.

The statement said that according to the Meteorological and Geophysical Bureau (SMG) forecast, the temperature in Macau will drop to 12 degrees and therefore  the Social Welfare Bureau decided to open the shelter for members of public, providing blankets, food and drink for its users until the weather gets warmer.

The statement urged residents to pay attention to the physical condition of the elderly, living with them or alone, who are chronically ill or infirm and ensure measures are taken to prevent hypothermia.

For more information, call 2827 0939 during office hours or 6399 1963 during non-office hours for more details about the Emergency Shelter.

At 1:45 a.m. today the mercury had already fallen to 13.1 degrees. 


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