No electoral bribery found on polling day: CCAC chief
Commissioner Against Corruption André Cheong Weng Chon said yesterday his commission had not found any instances of electoral bribery during polling day.Speaking to reporters after casting his vote at Instituto Salesiano, Cheong said the Commission Against Corruption (CCAC) and Legislative Assembly Electoral Affairs Committee’s (CAEAL) complaint hotline received 35 enquiries and 18 complaints from yesterday morning to 3 p.m.Cheong made no further comments to the media after 3 p.m.A number of
September 18, 2017
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One more Brazilian caught smuggling cocaine
The police arrested a Brazilian woman on Friday at the airport for smuggling two kilogrammes of cocaine into Macau at the behest of a friend, the Judiciary Police (PJ) have said.It was the second case of a Brazilian drug smuggler’s arrest at the airport in as many days.A 19-year-old Brazilian woman was arrested on Thursday at the airport for smuggling 1.76 kilogrammes of cocaine into Macau after being told by her boyfriend to smuggle it into the city from Bangkok. For the Thursday case, the
September 18, 2017 | BY admin
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Chui says immigration officers always heed law
Chief Executive Fernando Chui Sai On said yesterday he believes that Macau’s Public Security Forces have always carried out their immigration duties in accordance with the law, adding he will find out the reasons why a number of media workers from Hong Kong were denied entry last week.Chui made the remarks in response to reporters’ questions about news reports that more than 10 Hong Kong media workers were barred from entering Macau during the past week. He spoke to reporters after casting
September 18, 2017 | BY admin
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Brazilian woman caught at airport with 1.76 kg of cocaine
The Judiciary Police (PJ) arrested a young Brazilian woman yesterday at the airport for smuggling 1.76 kilogrammes of cocaine into Macau at the behest of her boyfriend, PJ spokesman Tam Weng Keong said during a special press conference, adding that the police were still trying to find out the final destination of the drugs.Tam identified the suspect as a 19-year-old named Ruana.According to Tam, the Judiciary Police have been keeping a special watch on passengers arriving on “particular”
September 15, 2017 | BY admin
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Indirect election breaks ‘tradition’ of unopposed candidates
A total of six electoral groups are running in Sunday’s indirect legislative election, which will break the long-standing “tradition” of all the candidates running unopposed.A total of 12 of the legislature’s 33 seats will be indirectly elected by association representatives.The five indirect election sectors comprise social services and education (1 seat); labour (2 seats); professionals (3 seats); commerce and finance (4 seats); and culture and sports (2 seats).This time the six
September 15, 2017 | BY admin
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Group says received threats to quit election
Sze Lee Ah, who heads the electoral group Citizens Power, No. 12 on Sunday’s ballot, said yesterday that the group’s candidates and helpers had been threatened that something would happen to them if they did not withdraw from the election.Sze, a Fujianese businessman, is the first-ranked candidate of the group while Joana Chong, who works in the real estate sector, is the second-ranked candidate. Sze’s list comprises 11 candidates.Macau Citizens Federation Chairman Sze made the remarks at
September 15, 2017 | BY admin
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Group petitions elex committee, prosecutors over ‘harassment’ by rivals
Sulu Sou Ka Hou, the first-ranked candidate of the New Macau Progressives (ANPM) electoral group, No. 7 on Sunday’s ballot, said yesterday his group had petitioned the Legislative Assembly Electoral Affairs Committee (CAEAL) and the Public Prosecution Office (MP) about its “harassment” by three rival groups on Wednesday.The three groups are Ou Mun Kong I (“Macau Righteousness”), No. 17 on the ballot, Mutual Help Grassroots, No. 22 on the ballot, and Association of Macau Activism for
September 15, 2017 | BY admin
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Mainlander arrested for illegal inn robbery
The Judiciary Police (PJ) arrested a man from the mainland on Wednesday for robbing a male compatriot of HK$130,000 in a flat used as an illegal inn in Nape, PJ spokesman Tam Weng Keong said during a special press conference yesterday.Tam identified the suspect as a 36-year-old surnamed Tao.Tam said that the Public Security Police (PSP) transferred the case to the Judiciary Police on Wednesday night.At the scene, the victim told PJ officers that he came to Macau several months ago and borrowed
September 15, 2017 | BY admin
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Police arrest duo for street robbery
The Judiciary Police (PJ) arrested two men from the mainland on Wednesday for robbing a man from the mainland of 35,000 yuan on Sunday, PJ spokesman Tam Weng Keong said during a special press conference yesterday.Tam identified the two suspects as a 26-year old surnamed Wei and a 40-year-old surnamed Mo.According to Tam, when the victim was walking near the notorious Macau International Centre complex in Zape at 2 a.m. on Sunday he was suddenly attacked by two men – Wei and Mo. The two
September 15, 2017 | BY admin
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‘Ask yourself what you really like’
Eunice Cheng Hoi Iao has had a dream since she was in Form 2 at Pui Ching Middle School and now four years later she has achieved it and is off to study at Osaka University later this month.Ever since Cheng’s brother went to Japan to study seven years ago she has wanted to follow in his footsteps, and to do that she started to teach herself Japanese. It helped that Cheng loved Japanese culture, history, traditions, music and comics. As she wanted to understand what her favourite Japanese pop
September 15, 2017 | BY admin
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Group proposes higher embankment for reclaimed land
A senior member of the Macau Institution of Engineers, Leong Hong Sai, said yesterday his group was proposing reclaiming land along the west coast of the peninsula 5.5 metres higher than the current sea level.Leong, who chairs the association’s supervisory board, spoke to reporters in a tea house in Rua de Cinco de Outubro where some 50 shop owners from the Inner Harbour area discussed flood prevention projects for the area. The meeting was organised by the Macau Central and Southern District
September 15, 2017 | BY admin
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First 5-year plan achieves fruitful results in 1st year: experts
The Macau government unveiled its first five-year plan (2016-2020) in September last year, mapping out comprehensive development targets for the special administrative region (SAR) which focus on citizen’s livelihoods and Macau’s diversified economy.After one-year’s implementation of the plan, fruitful results have been achieved, including improvements in Macau residents’ livelihoods and breakthroughs made by some non-gaming industries.Furthermore, Macau has incorporated its development
September 15, 2017 | BY admin
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Campaign coverage in run-up to ‘typhoon ballot’
As during previous election campaigns since its founding over 13 years ago, The Macau Post Daily has stuck to its editorial guideline to stay neutral also during the current campaign which ends at midnight tonight. We have tried our best to give all the 24 direct-election groups equal coverage.The outcome of Sunday’s direct election seems to be unpredictable. It remains to be seen how the Typhoon Hato disaster response will impact the result. Public anger over the disaster will possibly
September 15, 2017 | BY admin
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2 men nabbed for burning scooters & cars
The Judiciary Police (PJ) arrested two local men yesterday evening for causing a fire which burnt several scooters and cars after one of the suspects stole a helmet by burning through the strap, spokesman Tam Weng Keong said yesterday, adding that the duo failed to notice that a fragment of the strap was left behind which was glowing, causing a fire that then spread.Tam announced details of the case to the media last night at the scene near the Barrier Gate border checkpoint. The police took
September 14, 2017 | BY admin
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Man robs woman after sex in disabled toilet: police
A 31-year old woman from the mainland was robbed of HK$5,000 by a man yesterday after they had sex in a public toilet in a hotel in Nape, Judiciary Police (PJ) spokesman Tam Weng Keong said during a regular press conference yesterday.The Public Security Police (PSP) transferred the case to the Judiciary Police yesterday morning, Tam said.According to Tam, the victim told the police that she had met the man near the MGM casino-hotel in Nape at midnight. They then went to the disabled toilet in
September 14, 2017 | BY admin
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