This article entitled “The Sacrament of Holy Orders” is dedicated to Stephen Lee Bun-sang, the Roman Catholic bishop of Macau, in remembrance of his receiving the Sacrament of the Holy Orders on August 20, 1988 at the Shrine of Torreciudad in the north-eastern Spanish city of Huesca.For a Catholic priest receiving the Sacrament of the Holy Order has the same joy and obligations like a lay man getting married.Bishop Lee, an Opus Dei numerary, was born in Hong Kong on November 10, 1956. He
August 18, 2017
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Cop pays 35,000 pataca fine for mistreating dog: govt
A Judiciary Police (PJ) officer has paid a fine of 35,000 patacas for mistreating his dog, but does not face criminal charges, the Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau (IACM) announced yesterday.The announcement was made during a press conference by the bureau which marked the first year since the Animal Protection Law took effect, the first of its kind in Macau.According to the bureau, the officer’s dog-abusing case was classified as an administrative offence for mistreatment of an animal. If
August 18, 2017 | BY admin
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Locally-infected dengue confirmed: govt
The Health Bureau (SSM) last night announced one more locally-infected dengue fever case.According to an SSM statement, the patient is a 19-year-old local man who lives in a residential flat in Kam Long Building, where the previous four reported dengue fever patients live or work in the area.The building is in Rua da Praia do Manduco.The statement said the patient was in Jiangmen city, Guangdong province, from August 5 to Tuesday, adding the first dengue fever symptoms appeared on Wednesday
August 18, 2017 | BY admin
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Local firm to ink Portugal media deal next month: report
Local businessman Kevin Ho King Lun has told Portugal’s newswire Lusa he expects to sign a deal with Global Media Group in Portugal next month to acquire 30 percent of the Portuguese group’s capital, the Portuguese-language radio channel of government-owned broadcaster TDM reported yesterday.The report quoted Ho as saying that the deal, originally scheduled to be signed in March, had been delayed “for no specific reason.” Ho also said that both sides were currently readying the
August 18, 2017 | BY admin
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11-year-old represents Macau at int’l chess tournaments
Gary Ip Weng Tou is only 11 but since the age of six he has been representing Macau at major youth chess tournaments around the world.Ip sat down with MPD Weekender last week in Ouvidor do Arriaga to discuss how he got into the game, why he loves it and his travels with the team.Ip started playing chess when he was 5 years old because his older brother Samuel Ip Seng Tou was a member of Macau’s youth chess team and got to “sit on an aeroplane.”Ip said, “Because I heard that my brother
August 18, 2017 | BY admin
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Govt confirms imported malaria, dengue cases
The Health Bureau (SSM) last night announced one case each of imported malaria and dengue fever.According to a statement by the bureau, the patient suffering from dengue fever is a 60-year-old female tourist from the Philippines, who had stayed near the Inner Harbour Ferry Terminal. The statement said that her condition is serious. The statement failed to mention the patient’s current location.The SSM statement said the patient arrived in Macau on August 7, two days after the first dengue
August 17, 2017 | BY admin
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Direct election candidate quits, but no reason given: elex committee
The number of candidates running in next month’s direct legislative election had dropped from 192 to 191 since the fifth-ranked candidate of the New Ideals of Macau list, headed by activist Carl Cheng Lok Suen, has decided to quit the group, Legislative Assembly Electoral Affairs Committee (CAEAL) President Tong Hio Fong said yesterday.The direct and indirect legislative election will take place on September 17. There are a record number of 25 groups running in the direct election, while six
August 17, 2017 | BY admin
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HK man nabbed for 2 burglaries
The Judiciary Police (PJ) arrested a man from Hong Kong on Monday for burgling two residential flats in Taipa earlier this month, PJ spokesman Choi Ian Fai said during a special press conference yesterday, adding that the suspect committed the two burglaries after losing money in local casinos.The police also arrested the suspect’s girlfriend on the same day for giving the police a false alibi, according to Choi.Choi identified the man as a 37-year-old surnamed Wong and his girlfriend as a
August 17, 2017 | BY admin
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Outgoing lawmaker has ‘no regrets’
Outgoing directly-elected lawmaker Chan Meng Kam said yesterday that he had no regrets about his legislative work in the past 12 years, adding he was an “ordinary” man who would do an “ordinary” job in the future.Chan and fellow lawmakers Si Ka Lon and Becky Song Pek Kei, all of them board members of the Alliance for Common People Building Up Macau (API), held a joint press conference about their 2013-2017 legislative work at the association’s headquarters in Areia Preta.Chan, a
August 17, 2017 | BY admin
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Mainland’s ETC services for local drivers launched
Macau Pass, in collaboration with China Guangfa Bank (CGB) Macau Branch and Guangdong E-Serve United Co. Ltd. (E-Serve), yesterday launched a card service for local residents who have mainland registration plates on their Macau-registered cars so that they can apply in Macau to use the mainland’s electronic toll collection (ETC) services.The launching ceremony of the service was held at The Plaza Restaurant in Zape yesterday.According to Wikipedia, ETC determines whether the cars passing are
August 17, 2017 | BY admin
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Recent phone scammers not from mainland: police
The Judiciary Police (PJ) believe that the fraudsters in the recent wave of phone scams made the calls from foreign countries and not the mainland, PJ spokesman Choi Ian Fai said during a regular press conference yesterday.The Judiciary Police have said that phone scam cases have been reported “frequently” since early this year. The first wave of phone scams occurred in March and April, the police have said.The police have said that the second wave of phone scam cases started on July 20. In
August 17, 2017 | BY admin
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Rent law changes are not what the market needs
The dust has settled and only five of the seven changes proposed by nine legislators survived. Rent control was voted down after a heated debate. Those passed into law are (1) extension of minimum lease term from 2 to 3 years; (2) establishment of an arbitration mechanism; and (3) notarisation of leases.The government considered high rent as threatening the livelihoods of poor families and survival of SMEs (small- and medium-sized enterprises). The rise in rent was, however, just to reflect the
August 17, 2017 | BY admin
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Local teens get taste of work life at MGM
About 80 local teenagers had a taste of what life at work is like at MGM Macau, and two of them shared their experiences during a certificate presentation ceremony at the hotel-casino yesterday.According to yesterday’s presentation, the gaming operator has given about 400 local youngsters the opportunity to learn practical skills and gain insights into the daily operations of the hospitality industry since 2011.This year, about 80 teenagers with an average age of 15 joined the annual “A Day
August 17, 2017 | BY admin
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Govt expects barrier-free facility guidelines to be ready this year
The government expects to complete this year its official guidelines on the setting-up of barrier-free facilities to assist the disabled in the city’s buildings and to implement them next year, Choi Sio Un, chief of the Social Solidarity Department of the Social Welfare Bureau (IAS), said yesterday.The bureau had announced in June that it expected to publish the guidelines in September.Choi made the announcement when briefing reporters after attending a closed-door meeting of the
August 16, 2017 | BY admin
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Legislature’s work more ‘mature’ & ‘healthy’: speaker
Legislative Assembly (AL) President Ho Iat Seng said yesterday that the operation of the legislature has become more “mature” and “healthy”.Ho made the remarks at the end of a plenary session which coincided with the last day of the legislature’s four-year term (2013-2017). The direct and indirect legislative elections will be held on September 17.Yesterday’s plenum discussed a debate motion by directly-elected lawmaker Au Kam San. His motion asked whether the points-based system
August 16, 2017 | BY admin
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