Lawmaker slams govt over Taipa-Houses Museum plan
Lawmaker-cum-unionist Jose Pereira Coutinho yesterday criticised the government for appearing to be destroying the historical characteristics and tranquillity of the Taipa-Houses Museum, in its project to convert the site into another leisure attraction with cultural and creative elements.Coutinho made the comments in a group interview at the headquarters of the Macau Civil Servants Association (ATFPM), which he heads.The proposal to modify the five buildings and the area next to a mangrove,
August 23, 2016
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Gaming sector jobs fall 3 pct in Q2
Macau’s vitally important gaming sector had 55,708 full-time employees at the end of the second quarter, down by 3.0 percent year-on-year, the Statistics and Census Bureau (DSEC) announced yesterday. According to a DSEC statement, the number of dealers (croupiers) fell by 3.1 percent to 24,285. Shift-working staff accounted for 92.7 percent of the sector’s total number of employees. Please read the full article in our print edition.
August 23, 2016 | BY admin
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Govt allows overnight roadworks
The government allowed yesterday urgent roadworks in the city centre to be carried out overnight, the first exception to the rule since the Environmental Noise Prevention and Control Law took effect in 2014. According to an executive order dated August 15 and signed by Sonia Chan Hoi Fan in her then capacity as acting chief executive, the badly damaged road surface at the junction of Avenida da Praia Grande and Avenida de Almeida Ribeiro, which the order said was posing a risk to traffic
August 23, 2016 | BY admin
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Inflation continues slowing down
Growth in the city’s composite consumer price index (CPI) continued to slow down last month, rising just 2.08 percent year-on-year, a decrease of 0.18 percentage points from the 2.26 percent growth in June, the Statistics and Census Bureau (DSEC) announced yesterday. A DSEC statement attributed last month’s increase mostly to higher rentals for parking spaces and the higher cost of eating out, as well as increases in car prices and property management fees. For the 12 months ended
August 23, 2016 | BY admin
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Muzzle test divides forum
Guest speakers and members of the audience at yesterday’s Macau Forum were divided on whether the government’s assessment examination to exempt certain dogs from wearing a muzzle is too strict.Yesterday’s focus of the forum was on the controversial assessment examination. Two officials from the Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau (IACM) attended the forum.The weekly open-air debate is hosted by government-owned broadcaster TDM in Areia Preta Park every Sunday.Audience members and guest
August 22, 2016 | BY admin
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Chui to attend Pan-Pearl River Delta Forum
Chief Executive Fernando Chui Sai On will participate in the 11th Pan-Pearl River Delta Co-operation Forum this week, the Macau Government Information Bureau (GCS) has announced. According to a GCS statement, the forum will be held in Guangzhou on Wednesday and Thursday. Chui will attend the opening ceremony of the forum on Wednesday and a co-operation agreement signing session on Thursday. Please read the full article in our print edition.
August 22, 2016 | BY admin
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Students organise carnival to promote exchanges
Volunteers from the Centre for Higher Education Students organised a carnival in Iao Hon Market Garden yesterday afternoon to promote exchanges between student associations and encourage students to “go into the community”, according to one of the organisers. The event was titled Summer Gathering – Carnival of the Higher Education Student Associations. Many residents, mostly housewives and children, were queuing at the game booths run by various student organisations, including
August 22, 2016 | BY admin
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Visitors spend less in Q2 on non-gaming
Visitors’ per-capita non-gaming spending fell by 4 percent year-on-year and 3.4 percent quarter-to-quarter to 1,601 patacas in the second quarter, the Statistics and Census Bureau (DSEC) has announced. According to a DSEC statement, visitors’ total non-gaming spending in the second quarter amounted to 11.7 billion patacas, down by 4.5 percent year-on-year but up by 1.4 percent quarter-on-quarter. Total non-gaming spending by overnight visitors (9.3 billion patacas) and same-day
August 22, 2016 | BY admin
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New Cotai bonds hit distressed levels
SINGAPORE – Bonds issued by US partners in Studio City have dropped to distressed levels after gaming revenue in the city entered a third year of declines and S&P Global Ratings lowered its outlook on the project.The 10.625 percent notes co-issued by New Cotai Limited Liability Company and New Cotai Capital Corporation, units of US hedge funds Silver Point Capital and Oaktree Capital Group, were indicated at 42.5 cents on the US dollar on Thursday, according to prices from independent
August 22, 2016 | BY admin
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72-year-old rider in ICU after falling off scooter
A 72-year-old local man was critically injured yesterday after he fell off his scooter, sustaining severe head injuries, in Avenida de Horta e Costa.A spokesperson for the Public Security Police (PSP) told The Macau Post Daily last night that a lump of concrete that had apparently fallen from a residential building was found at the scene, adding that the reason the man fell off his scooter – hitting his head on the piece of concrete, or falling off trying to avoid it – was being
August 22, 2016 | BY admin
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Pupils experience 2 electricity-free days
Power utility CEM organised a camp for pupils to experience life without electricity over the weekend, with the aim of showing them the importance of saving energy. The two-day camp was held at CEM’s power plant in Coloane, with 45 secondary school pupils, selected from some 200 pupils from different schools, participating, according to a CEM statement yesterday.During the event, the first of its kind held by the company, the pupils visited the power station, played challenge games, put
August 22, 2016 | BY admin
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Police nab mainland official with nephew, 16, at hotel ‘drug party’
The Judiciary Police (PJ) have detained a mainland civil servant who admitted bringing his 16-year-old nephew across the border to take drugs in a hotel in Cotai, where they also arrested two other mainlanders, one for possession of fake documents and the other for loan sharking.A PJ spokesperson said in a press conference on Saturday the four male suspects included a 45-year-old civil servant surnamed Wang and his 16-year-old nephew surnamed Shen on suspicion of taking drugs.The two other
August 22, 2016 | BY admin
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Police nab man cheating pawnshop with fake watch
The Judiciary Police (PJ) announced yesterday the arrest of a man from the mainland on Tuesday on suspicion of cheating a pawnshop out of 100,000 patacas with a fake watch.A PJ spokesperson said at a regular press conference that an employee of the pawnshop reported the case to the police in March. The 32-year-old suspect, surnamed Jian, was reportedly a businessman.The spokesperson said that after Jian pawned the watch, the staff member discovered after checking properly that the watch was a
August 19, 2016 | BY admin
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Coutinho questions TDM’s neutrality
Lawmaker Jose Pereira Coutinho yesterday questioned government-owned broadcaster TDM’s neutrality because the station appeared to be helping the Macau Jiangmen Communal Society promote itself in the run-up to next year’s legislate elections. Coutinho made the claim in a press conference at the headquarters of the Macau Civil Servants Association (ATFPM). The press conference was mainly about the work of the association’s two lawmakers – Coutinho and Leong Veng Chai – in the
August 19, 2016 | BY admin
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Mainland makes it easier for locals who lose travel permits
The Public Security Police (PSP) said in a statement yesterday that it has reached an arrangement with the mainland authorities to launch a new measure which makes it easier for local residents who lose their “Mainland Travel Permit for Hong Kong and Macau Residents” while travelling in the mainland to report the loss and apply for a one-time permit to return to Macau. The measure will take effect today, the statement said.According to the statement, under the previous measure, local
August 19, 2016 | BY admin
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